- An Academy for Pharmacy and Pharmacology.
- GPAT Tests and Tutorials
- RRB and other Pharmacist Recruitment Exams Tests and Tutorials
- Drugs Inspector Exams Tests and Tutorials
- DPEE Tests and Tutorials
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Over 15,000 online tests have been taken through our websites and Google Forms to date.
We've organized and joined over 100 workshops and webinars, along with delivering talks at numerous Pharmacy and Ayurvedic colleges and organizations.
Over 100 B.H.M.S. and B.A.M.S. students and
practitioners benefited from this course.
Just Everything to Make You Achieve Your Goal
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“ Education with a Purpose, Inspiration in Every Step.”
ZONAL RECRUITING OFFICES Ambala Bangalore CANDAMAN Chennai Danapur IRO Delhi Cant Jaipur Jalandhar Kolkata Lucknow Pune Shillong ONLINE REGISTRATION DATES: 12 MARCH 2025 TO 10 APRIL 2025 ONLINE EXAM DATES: JUN 2025 ONWARDS EDUCATION: 10+2 / equivalent exam pass and qualified in D.Pharma with minimum 55% in aggregate and registered with State Pharmacy Council / Pharmacy Council of India. Individuals qualified in B.Pharma with minimum 50% marks and registered with State Pharmacy Council / Pharmacy Council of India will also be eligible. AGE: 19-25 Yrs (Candidates born between 01 Oct 2000 to 01 Oct 2006 (both days inclusive)) RECRUITMENT PROCESS Recruitment process will be conducted in two phases. Phase I will be Online Common Entrance Exam at Computer Based Test Centres spread pan India and Phase 2 will be Recruitment Rally by Army Recruiting Offices at Rally Venue. Online test will be objective Multiple Choice Question (MCQ). As per category of application the candidates would be required to answer 50 questions in one hour or 100 questions in two hours. EXAM PATTERN PART-I (a) General Knowledge (b) English PART-II (c) Pharmacy-l (d) Pharmacy-II Note: Link to download the detailed notification for Pune Zonal Recruiting Office and syllabus for the exam is given below. To download the notifications for other Zonal Recruiting Offices, visit the official website (given below). Read the notification thoroughly before applying. To attempt topic-wise and syllabus wise MCQ practice tests for the preparation of exam
It is a dream of many diploma holder and graduate registered pharmacists to enter into the Government Services as a pharmacist to serve the nation. As the posts for Govt. pharmacist are limited in comparison to the availability of registered pharmacists, there is a huge competition among the pharmacists for these posts. So Govt. agencies conduct recruitment examinations to select the best candidate for these posts.
Advt. No. 22/2025 विज्ञापन सं०-22/2025 Registration Start Date: 11-03-2025 11:00:00 Registration End Date: 08-04-2025 11:55:00 Payment Last Day: 08-04-2025 11:55:00 Application Last Date: 08-04-2025 11:55:00 स्वास्थ्य विभाग, बिहार पटना के अन्तर्गत फार्मासिस्ट के रिक्त पदों पर नियमित नियुक्ति हेतु सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग, बिहार, पटना के माध्यम से प्राप्त अधियाचना के आलोक में सुयोग्य उम्मीदवारों (जो भारत के नागरिक हों) से विहित प्रपत्र में आयोग के वेबसाईट www.btsc.bihar.gov.in पर दिनांक-11.03.2025 से 08.04.2025 तक ऑनलाईन आवेदन आमंत्रित किये जाते है। Applications are invited from eligible candidates (who are citizens of India) in the prescribed format through the BTSC website www.btsc.bihar.gov.in from 11.03.2025 to 08.04.2025 for regular appointment to the vacant posts of Pharmacist under the Health Department, Bihar Patna. Total Posts: 2473
Thank you for a great course. Great presentation style with lots of opportunities to ask questions and talk about real life examples which all made for a really enjoyable and informative course." "This has more than met my expectations."
Most of key points are covered which are most useful as study point of view..for DPEE and other competative exam.
These classes explained all key concepts of the pharmacy syllabus and then had online MCQ practice tests for perfect practice and confidence. Now, I have no worries for pharmacy syllabus for any recruitment exam.
I passed my d.pharm just because your efforts and trust in me. Before joining your classes, I gave Pharmacology (S.Y. D.Pharm) exam four times but failed. Then I joined your classes, understood my mistakes and passed the exam. Thank you, Pharmalife Academy.
These online pharmacology tutorials made my concepts of pharmacology very clear and I understood importance of pharmacology in practice. The learning sources provided are very useful.
Sir, before joining your classes I was very depressed because I could not clear POC II even after trying three times. Then I joined your classes for POC and came to know about my mistakes. In my fourth attempt I passed POC II because of your way of teaching.